
Google+, Day 13: Cross-Posting from Google+ to Facebook and Twitter

30 Days With Google+: Day 13

Google+ may be the newest kid connected the social networking block, but IT is not the only chaff. I have multiple interpersonal networks that I defend and update, and sometimes it can be tedious and redundant to post the same links or information on multiple networks. For today's 30 Days With Google+ journey, I am taking a flavour at more or less methods for cross-posting pleased from Google+ to Facebook, Twitter, and other elite group networks.

I found unrivaled notional method of sharing posts with Facebook compliments of The web site explains how I can automatically update Facebook when I post to Google+ by taking advantage of the system Google+ has in place for letting me add masses WHO aren't even on Google+ by putting the email address in a Circle.

Google+ Logo
Information technology is pleasant to at least take up an choice to hybridization-postal service from Google+ to other social networks.

posting status updates via electronic mail into a Circle, any Google+ posts shared with that Circle will be emailed to the Facebook address and later on posted to Facebook.

Voila! Healthy, nearly. I wrote a post along Google+ that I shared with my "Post to Facebook" Roach with my Facebook email address. It did, in fact, ill-natured-post, but the original Google+ post was a link to a PCWorld article with a duet sentences of commentary, and all that showed au courant Facebook was the first gear 10 language roughly followed by ellipses, and no unite to the eternal sleep of my text or the PCWorld content.

As creative as that solution is, it's not the most elegant, it only does Facebook, and apparently IT doesn't work very well. There are some thirdly-party solutions that allow you to send Twitter tweets via email as well, but pointed me in the direction of something even better–the Publish Sync extension for the Chromium-plate Vane browser.

The article from describes some shady behavior about automatically spamming your ethnic networks, but apparently the developers took the hint and solved that faux pas. The Release Sync extension requires that I use the Chromium-plate browser of course, but it enables me to automatically cross-post from Google+ to Facebook and Twitter, Beaver State from Twitter to Facebook, or whatsoever direction suits my needs–leastwise in hypothesis.

I ran into two issues trying to use it. First, the Google+ functionality is apparently not running in good order now. In Facebook or Twitter when I start a new post there are checkboxes that appear that get Maine select which connected ethnic networks to cross-post to. On Google+ those checkboxes are missing. Reading the forums for the extension, I am not the only nonpareil having this issue and the developers are purportedly working on IT.

My secondment issue is with Twitter. The Put out Sync propagation would not be very multipurpose to me when it comes to cross-posting a Twitter twinge because IT requires that I tweet from the existent Chirrup website. I never use the Twitter website (I use Tweetdeck), and so a Chrome extension that relies on me using the website ISN't reformatory.

The nice thing close to Publish Synchronize is that it lets me take on a post past Emily Price Post, or squeeze past twirp ground whether or not I want to cross-post the information and to which social networks. In general, I don't agree with simply cross-posting everything betwixt contrastive social networks–if I am clean locution the same thing past it's redundant and unity of the duplicate networks should be eliminated. However, information technology is nice to have the option to cross-station connected a limited basis when it seems warranted.

These are only two of many solutions current out in that respect. A quick Google search turns up a plethora of options, only they all seem sort of like hacks and workarounds. I assume that Eastern Samoa Google+ matures and moves from limited "Field test" mode to publicly open social network that mainstream tools like Tweetdeck will incorporate Google+ and give me a platform for sharing with whichever networks I pick out.

Read the last "30 Years" series: 30 Days With the iPad

Daylight 12: Following People in Google+

Day 14: Playing Games on Google+


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