
The designer (if not a member of the day-to-day team) needs to see

the current version to confirm that the product is in line with the cur


rent design specifications and the core concept of the game.


The QA testers report problems to the producer. The problems must

be categorized as major (crash, function or action not working), minor

(text misspelling, character movement too fast or slow, response time

feels wrong), glitches (sound or graphic problems), improvements

(add a new feature, improve the character's interaction or behavior,

clarify a confusing aspect of the design or gameplay), a video game

standards issue (the triangle button does not perform as the standard

function definition), or multiplatform inconsistency (PC version vs.

console version).

Whether one person assumes the role of both producer and designer or

several people handle these tasks, there must be one producer whose

word is final, whose decisions are followed, and whose leadership is

trusted and motivating.

n Reader A comments: Having taken part in independent game develop-

ment for nearly a year (without any pay) I find these principles to be solid

and true. I have been doing work as a designer and a producer. It is very

easy to get the two mixed up. It's good to separate the two aspects and des-

ignate individuals to their respective roles, and to make sure that each

has a firm grasp on what their goals and responsibilities are.

n Reader B comments: The first principle talks about the different roles

that are involved when developing a game. This delimits the role of the

game designer as the creative mind of the team, whereas the producer is

more focused on managing the team, and the financial and marketing

sides of the project.


Reader C comments: I found the first "Pedersen Principle" very informa


tive. It gave me a better understanding of the role of a designer and pro


ducer, how much they are involved with the productivity of the team, and

how much they depend on the team to actually get things done in order

and on time.

Principle 2: No Designer

or Producer Is an Island

Gathering information throughout the product development cycle and

knowing what to do with it is the trait of a great designer and producer.

Designers should research their subject matter and evaluate outside

suggestions and opinions. The audience demands and expects films and

books to seem realistic and accurate. The computer and video game audi


ence should accept nothing less.

When undertaking the development of a sports game (e.g., baseball), a

designer may feel that he knows the sport from playing it and viewing it

on TV. However, much more research must be undertaken to create an

The "Pedersen Principles" 19

Chapter 2

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